Sunday, February 05, 2006


well, mom did tonight, what she does best
trys to take care of her kids :)
no matter how old we are
mom gave me a cup of wood ashes and some homemade salve.
and of course, i had to soak my hand in "esh vahssa"
and then to put some "tseek shmea" on it.
("esh vahssa" being hot water with some wood ashes put in it,
and "tseek shmea", being homemade drawing salve)

this was on the 2 puncture wounds that kc inflicted yesterday
they were actually a bit red around them, today, and sore
we shall see what its like tomorrow


At 1:36 AM, Blogger J. Andrew Lockhart said...

all mothers are the same (and fathers too) sounds to me that your cat is a mess - maybe tou should wair gloves at home :)


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