Friday, July 28, 2006


am feeling a bit let down tonight
not sure why
i hate when i get moody
i feel like i'm just plodding along

had 3 calls plus one cancellation today
and my treatment of choice was a fluid bolus
btw heat exhaustion, dehydration, and a vasovagal response to circular sawing off his thumb
fluid saved the day, each time.

stopped in for chinese today, and instead of sitdown buffett, i got pepper steak n onions with fried rice, to go. and mr chinese asks, not sitting down this time? hmm, interesting :) he recognizes me from the other times i've been in. btw, the take out was better than the buffett, i do believe. i might have to start ordering, rather than the doing the buffett.

practically choked on my vit pill this evening
had to eat some banana to chase it on down
i felt like the geriatrics that i used to feed meds in applesauce

and talking of geriatrics
greg was in, picked up a w/c trans to LG
and while he was there, the litter trip came in, for the same place
so, i got to sit with the w/c pt, while he went up with r to get the litter pt
and truth be told
it felt like vvh days,
when i would park a demented lady by my desk, so that i could talk to her, and still do my charting at the same time
i used to be good at what i did
i could get every elderly male, and most every elderly female to do what i wanted them too.
i called it, vvh mode
talk slower, look right at the person i am talking to, often position myself a bit lower, so that i had to look up to them, lower my voice just a little, break up the task into managable pieces so that it doesnt overwhelm them, use their name frequently, allow them to lead the convo, but in reality, i'm leading......
and it worked wonders, esp if i had a bit of rapport with them
still works wonders, i must say, even if i dont know the person

i dont believe that i'm practically getting nostalgic abt long term care
i left there, completely burnt out, 3 yrs ago
interesting concept

no, cant be getting nostalgic
its just cause i'm in a funky plodding mood, right now


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