Sunday, December 18, 2005


i had a late call today
it came in at 1827
and french was no where to be found
it gave me 2 hrs ot
and in counting up my time this past wk
counting from sat thru today, which would be 9 days
i have 91 hrs
69 of them on this wks pay, (sun thru sat)
no wonder i want off tomorrow
no wonder kc is biting me
no wonder kc starts crying when i head to the door to turn off the light

i have station stuff to do tomorrow
which means another day away from kc
but i have to get that stuff done
and i better attempt to do it tomorrow,
cause if i wait until tues
it wont get done, again

don't tell anyone, but i'm getting tired of station duties
my hobby has morphed into a requirement
and all because i took my hobby and turned it into a job

i need a new hobby
altho some would tell you thats what my house has become
come spring i intend to do some gardening
and some flower beds

kc's tail smells like choc icecream!
he is lying on my back with his tail down over my shoulder
onto my chest
and i can smell the ice cream
he's happy, he's purring up a storm


At 5:40 AM, Blogger Carol said...

What was your hobby?

At 11:41 AM, Blogger ry said...

my hobby was vol ems
and i turned it into a paid job


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