Saturday, June 17, 2006


well, kc got his collar taken off this evening
i wasnt gonna do it until tomorrow
figured i would be home monday then, to see how he behaved with his incision
its looking really good
not red anymore
not draining
he's starting to jump again,
he was up on my dresser and on the BR window sill

tonight, he starts making all sorts of racket
he's got his toe stuck in hte collar
so i undid his toe
and he continued to roll back and forth
so of course, i investigated further
here he had the edge of hte collar in his mouth
poor cat
(glad he didnt do that, while i was at work)
(that would not have been a pretty sight to come home to)

so, i take the collar off of him
and he allows me to take it off without going nutso while i'm messing with it
now, he's here, scratching his neck
cleaning his face
after all, it hasnt been cleaned for almost a week

kc's gotta be a happy kitty, now


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