As some of you know, i washed an ink pen with my good clothes. And dried it in the dryer as well.
That has me pretty well irritated. Those work shirts are 29.00 apiece, and the ones that got ink on them are the newest ones i got.
So i googled how to get rid of ink stains. Didn't find a whole lot of hope. Decided to try homemade soap. So this evening i smeared a whole washer load of clothes with homemade soap.
And i followed a net tip.
Soak a rag in clorox, and put it in the dryer and run the cycle.
So that's what i did.
Left the clothes to marinate in the soap, left the dryer running.
The shadow and the little one were here, and the shadow wanted to play "shadow's beauty salon"
waiting room in the deck room, salon in the restroom in the deck room.
get a book to read in the waiting room, till your appointment is called. Come into the salon, with the door shut and get smeared with perfume and lotion and lip gloss. (hey, they were having fun...i was secretly rolling my eyes)
the little one and i both had our appointments completed, and the shadow was changing the wording on the paper to have it be the little one's beauty salon.
i came out, opened the dryer
thot to myself, wow, that clorox took the shine off the drum
reached in for the towel, and there was no towel
so i looked a bit closer
There was soot all thru my dryer, on the floor, and NO towel. none. NONE.
there is soot on the dryer vent outside the house.
there is soot in the lint trap
there is soot everywhere.
i could have come out of that little BR and found the kitchen in flames
i'm going to blame that fire on the clorox soaked rags
not on a full lint trap
so don't ever put clorox soaked rags in your dryer, no matter what the internet says!
btw, if i clean out the soot and stink, will the dryer still work?
or do i need to go buy another one?