Sunday, November 27, 2005


kc is lying across my arms
and every so often he twitches his paws
his ears, his back
and keeps on sleeping

tomorrow is the first day of buck season
and its going to be a warm one
not totally conducive to keeping meat
i wont be involved in buck season opening day this yr
i've gotta work
in jco at that
first day of buck season was a holiday, basically, growing up
i can still remember mom making a hunters breakfast at 4 am
on monday morning
all sorts of people coming over to hunt
and by 9 am there was always a buck or 2 hanging
traditions have slightly changed over hte yrs
but its still a big day for us
and i wont be there, this yr

tonight, i'm thankful for electricity
i wouldnt be thrilled with living without it for any length of time


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