Wednesday, May 10, 2006


well, since this is my blog
and since i can write abt anything i want
i shall tell you abt my neighbors

i have the best neighbors in the world
tonight, i got home from work, and lwd is mowing my lawn
now, that was the deal, when i bought the house
lwd mows my lawn, i pay him for gas
i'm standing there talking and d and s come over
d says to lwd, want me to come help?
sure, says lwd
so, i've got 2 guys on lawn mowers mowing my yard
while i am in the garden pulling weeds
and after bit don comes around
did you loose a wheel lug?
dunno? i have no clue
"well, you did, he said
i found it where you turn around when i came down to get s off hte bus
i just checked your car, and its missing one
i'll go back up and get it, and put it on for you"
so, now i have 2 guys mowing my lawn and another guy fixing my car
am i blessed or what?
and then s comes back over after her shower
and starts jabbering away as only an 8 yr old girl can

my place was quite the neighborhood gathering this evening
i made sure to thank each one with a big smile


At 8:04 AM, Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said...

Should be thankful for such great neighbors.

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome... try to keep up those good relationships! -ML


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