Saturday, November 19, 2005


its been a different day today, i must say
i had 2 sets of company after i got home from work
missie gave me some strawberries that her hubby had gotten
so, i called up mom, said, if you bring some icecream
we'll have strawberries and ice cream after i get back from work
and didnt she make a cake, too, and bring it over
her and dad and jon

heres a shocker
the first thing dad said, as he came in the door
wheres the cat?
umm? you like my cat?

and after they left, dp came over
sat and talked to him for awhile
abt various aspects of station life....
we both agreed, we need to make a yet-yet run some night

tonight, i am thankful for tim n missie
those strawberries were very good

and i'm thankful for my friend dp

oh yeah!
had a heart stopping moment this evening!
auto fire alarm, at the station address
(we had a fire, several yrs ago)
box was promptly put avail by chief 18


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