Friday, December 09, 2005


my mind feels blank tonight
it doesnt want to do any thinking at the moment
and i'm not sure why

i felt really domesticated for a bit this evening
was upstairs, sewing a few christmas gifts
and the dryer was running downstairs

am even contemplating making a batch of cookies for my neighbor
he plowed me out today
then came back after i moved my car and plowed the remainder
all i had to do, was shovel the walks
gonna have to find some way of saying thanks
a plate of cookies sounds like a lovely idea

i havent baked cookies in yrs, tho
i hope i still remember how
i always tell folks, its not that i cant bake,
its not that i cant cook
its just that i dont
that seems to be changing tho

kc has been really subdued the past few days
i'm missing his rambunctious ways
i havent seen any signs of infection from his neutering
but hes really been subdued
not sure whats going on


At 12:29 PM, Blogger ry said...

save you some cookies....
i might be able to do that

anyone else want some cookies?


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