Thursday, December 08, 2005


today has been a really odd day
so many strange things happening
it started out with a dream,
--a very nice one i might add
and turned into a wierd nonsense dream, like mine always do
and then i asked someone what their christmas plans are
--and how they related to me
got notification today, from the bank
--that i have overdrawn my checking acct
that has never happened, ever, NEVER EVER
i guess i better watch what i do with my debit card
its a good thing tomorrow is payday
(kc is racing up and down the steps just now)
had a very interesting conversation with an old friend
--i had no idea
monthly meeting this evening at the station, elections
--almost got run out of office by write in votes
by a girl who is not capable of doing the job
(not that i would have cared, had it been someone i deemed cabable,
--i'd be quite willing to hand it over)
to walmart, then afterwards, preparing for christmas
stopped at McD's when i left there
--only ate a few fries
--parked my car facing town
came upstairs, got ready for bed
and realized its snowing, now, with a skiff on the ground already

btw, the -- are the oddities that happened today
its been a really strange day, today, really strange


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